Eligibility FOR PORTAGE

Please read before completing a referral form.

Referral System

Referrals are accepted directly from parent/carers, and they may also be made by other professionals working with a family with their agreement to refer the child. Referrals should not be made by a third party without parental consent.

Parents and settings must fully understand the Portage approach and the level of commitment, which they are encouraged to make.

Referral forms can be obtained from the Website https://wiltshireportage.org.uk and must have verbal permission given by the parent/carer, and MUST be accompanied with information on the child’s development level and recent progress (e.g., My Support Plan, My Plan, developmental screening information, medical report, ESA)


Wiltshire Portage is available to children and families who meet all the following criteria:

1. Geographical Area The family must live in the following areas - Wiltshire excluding Swindon Borough Council Area.

2. Age of Child
The child needs to be between birth and school entry and have at least one academic year before starting school (from receipt of referral), unless the child does not currently have any specialist provision e.g., District Specialist Centre.

3. Developmental Delay
The child has significant developmental delay of 50% in 2 or more areas of development or 30% under 3 years of age. One area must include cognition/thinking.

4. Family Commitment
The child’s parents/carers must commit to meet with the Portage Home Visitor weekly during term time at a mutually agreed time, in the family home, and to carry out activities left by the Portage Home Visitor.

5. Visits The number of visits will be based on the needs of the families across the entire Wiltshire Portage service area. A block of visits will last no longer than six months. A family may go back on the waiting list or be discharged at this time.

6. Portage alongside other Sessions Portage to be 1 of 18 hours (or 21 hours if the child is not attending a District Specialist Centre) sessions for the child each week, other sessions include nursery, pre-school and childminder, Tumble Tots, Conductive Education, Sing & Sign or Swimming as a therapy, Brainwave, Private therapies e.g., Speech and language, physiotherapy etc.

7. Delayed School Entry. We will not see any children who have a delayed entry to school and who attend a District Specialist Centre or Opportunity Group, or if they are starting school this academic year or have less than a year to the next academic year.

8. Borderline Children Children who the Service deem borderline after a Wiltshire Portage assessment, will be discharged and can re refer to the Service after six months.

9. Educational Health Care Needs Assessment or an Educational Health Care Plan If a child has an ECHNA or an EHCP, and, or the child is due to start school this academic year, the child and family will be discharged from the Service or not receive the Service.

10. Discharge Any family that no longer meets one or any of the criteria above will be discharged from the Service at any time.

Places will be offered at the Managers discretion.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Service Manager on 07780 653888

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