Wiltshire Portage is a registered charity and with the help of our Partners we strive to support as many families as possible. Each year it costs approximately £2,500 for each child that receives Portage and we are sent new referrals every week. It is only through fundraising that we are able to reach more families.
Help us to raise vital funds by donating or fundraising.
Turn your everyday online shopping into FREE DONATIONS through Easyfundraising. Nothing could be simpler and it means we automatically get a donation back from the retailer, at no extra cost to you! It really is easy fundraising and so simple to set up – just look for the Easyfundraising logo and choose Wiltshire Portage as your chosen charity.
Another way you can raise money for Wiltshire Portage (at no extra cost to yourself) is by buying online through AmazonSmile. This website has all the same products and prices as Amazon but each time you shop through AmazonSmile they donate to your chosen charity. All you need to do is visit and select Wiltshire Portage.
Collecting boxes and tins raised over £500 in 2019. We are grateful for any donation big or small - please ask your Portage Home Visitor for one of our collection boxes or contact our office.
We are looking for suggestions for a new company/organisation who might like to support our work by making us their Charity of the Year 2025– do you, or any of your family/friends, work somewhere that might like to link up with Wiltshire Portage? If you do please get in touch.
Would you like to hold a fundraising event on Wiltshire Portage’s behalf? It could be a coffee morning, sponsored event, cake sale, concert or perhaps donations instead of birthday gifts. Talk to your Portage Home Visitor or contact the office. Wiltshire Portage is also registered for Gift Aid, so for every £1 donated by UK tax payers we can receive an additional 20p from The Treasury. Gift Aid Forms are available here.
Past fundraising events
Janet (pictured in the middle) raised a massive £1700 in 2021 by opening her garden at Duck Pond Barn at Wingfield.
Bath Half 2020 - Portage Home Visitor Laura completed the Bath Half Marathon.
Portage Home Visitor, Rosie, raised over £350 on her 100km run in 2019 - true dedication!
Raising over £1,000 in sponsorship money Cathy had her long hair cut short with all funds donated to Wiltshire Portage and her hair donated to the Little Princess Trust to make wigs for children with cancer.
Thank you to the Decibelles Tidworth who raised £363.20 in 2020.
our amazing wiltshire portage inflatables 5k team from summer of 2019
Over £1,000 raised in sponsorship money on the hottest day of the year…