Tips and Ideas
Social Story about the Coronavirus
Information from Childline about Coronavirus
Supporting Children with Learning Difficulties and ASD during COVID-19 Isolation
Sensory Play Recipes
Loads of great ideas from Mother Could that are so easy to do at home…
Crazy Foam
You will need -
A tray type container (disposable food trays available at most supermarkets are a good option).
Children’s bath foam or shaving foam if child is no longer using their mouth to explore.
An assortment of paint colours
Paper and straws.
Use the straws to swirl your paint into the foam and use the paper to make prints.
Opportunities for learning: taking turns in swirling, use big and small movements, take turns in pressing in the paper and slowly revealing the pattern using shared attention and words such as more / wow.
Fill you’re tray with the foam and drizzle with paint
Opportunities for learning: name colours, take turns in drizzling paint,use words such as more/ finished use Makaton if possible, use sounds such as weee / splat / ooo.
Or use your hands to explore the foam and make hand prints.
Opportunities for learning about texture: soft /cold or for using words such as squeeze /poke/ splat. Or maybe your foam has a nice smell you can take about….mine smells of blueberry
Mix 1/4 of paint to 3/4 of water in an ice cube tray with a lolly pop and then freeze.